Verified Supplier is the membership tier for high-quality suppliers on This exclusive designation is meant to create more trust amongst buyers.
The program provides suppliers with on-site verification services from an independent, professional certification institution. By using a third-party verification consultant, buyers can rest assured that the Verified Supplier status is not issued with any bias, and the findings can speak for themselves.
Verified Suppliers can be identified through the “Verified Supplier” tag on The tag is viewable to buyers in the platform’s search results, on product pages, and on suppliers’ company profiles.
Members of the Verified Supplier program also have access to exclusive perks and benefits. These include on-site audit videos, extra product showcases, exclusive mini-sites, registration priority for promotional events, and opportunities for greater organic search exposure.
Verified badge
Verified Suppliers are set up apart by the exclusive “Verified” tag. This tag is visible to buyers in search results, on each product detail page, on business cards, and on your supplier Mini Site company profile.
This tag is different from the Gold Supplier tag, so verified suppliers can be easily recognized with just a glance.
Verified Suppliers vs. GGS Suppliers
Global Gold Supplier (GGS) is another membership tier on This is the most popular tier for suppliers on the platform, but it is a bit more basic than the Verified Suppliers membership.
Here are the exclusive perks that Verified Suppliers have access to but GGS members do not:
Display a thorough assessment report from a professional third-party inspector on your company profile
An on-site audit video of your production facilities (worth USD $15,000)
Exclusive Mini Sites
Reliable customer service from the support team at the headquarters or your local office
A guaranteed four-star rating for new members through “Star Direct” (saves on time and the labor costs normally spent on the upgrading process)
60 showcases per year (which is valued at USD $21,744 per year) and 10 sub-accounts (GGS suppliers are only allowed 20 showcases per year and 5 sub-accounts)
Personalized consultations provided by a service specialist 12 times a year with additional in-depth analyses performed four times a year
Registration priority for website promotions or when launching exclusive scenarios (such as priority access to Source from Factories- replacement of Premium OEM factories)
RFQ quotation priority (USD $3,600 value)
The GGS membership is still very valuable for those who are unable to invest in the Verified Suppliers program. However, the perks that come with the upgrade to Verified Supplier status provide a great alue for the investment.